Help Bebashi Fight Food Insecurity

You can help Bebashi feed Philadelphians in need by donating food or getting involved and host a Bebashi Food Drive.

Partner on a Food drive with Bebashi


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Here are some useful tips for hosting a successful drive.

For more information on hosting a food drive, contact Nafisah Houston, Director of Programs.


Requested Food Items
Breakfast Cereal / Oatmeal
Canned Fruit
Canned Meats / Fish
Canned Stew / Chili
Canned Veggies
Granola Bars
Macaroni and Cheese
Nuts / Trail Mix
Pancake Mix / Syrup
Pasta Sauce
Peanut Butter / Jelly
Shelf Stable Milk
Unsweetened Applesauce
Whole Grain / Wheat Pasta
100% Juice

Food High in Sugar
Items Containing High Fructose Corn Syrup
Items High in Sodium / Fat
Soda and Other Sugary Beverages

Bebashi Toiletries Food Drive

Thank you for joining us in the work to fight poverty in Philadelphia! We are excited you are here. We’ve made this as easy as possible, and we’re here to help!

You can help Bebashi help Philadelphians in need by donating toiletries or, get your community involved and host a Bebashi Toiletries Drive.

Partner on a Toiletry drive with Bebashi


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For more information on hosting a toiletries drive, contact Nafisah Houston, Director of Programs.


Requested Toiletry Items
Menstrual Products
Shampoo / Conditioner
Soap / Body Wash
Toothpaste / Toothbrushes
Razors / Shaving Cream
Curling Cream
Hair Sponges
Toilet Paper

Need help? Get in touch now!

If you have an immediate question or concern, call us anonymously to get an answer within 24 hours.

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